How to Choose Flow Cytometry Antibodies?


Hello everyone, I'm Erie! Today let's take a look at some key factors in choosing flow cytometry antibodies! Choosing high-quality and reliable fluorescent antibodies ensures the smooth running of flow cytometry and data analysis, especially multi-color flow cytometry that needs high resolution for color compensation.

Here are some key factors:
1. Commonly used clone numbers
2. High SI (Staining Index)
3. Low background binding

Elabscience has selected commonly used clones as antibody source. We have antibodies of six colors now and many more are on the way. Elabscience flow cytometry antibodies have considerable SI (staining index). We have distinct advantages over other manufacturers. With low background binding, and optimized conjugation technology, our flow cytometry antibodies can work with unstained cells instead of negative isotype control.
Elabscience specializes in immunodiagnostic technology for life science community. To know more, please contact us!